Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3 Secrets to AWESOME Abs

The #1 question I hear as a BeachBody coach is, "How can I get a 6 pack?" I know this was my first first thought when I started the BB programs. ESPECIALLY after having an almost 13 lb. baby that turned my once trim belly into mushy bowls of jello....
Yes, Ab RipperX, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Abs will all get you nice muscle form BUT there is something even more important than these ab routines.... FOOD INTAKE! (are you seeing a pattern here) 80-90% of your game will be how/what/when you are eating

So, I'm going to reveal 3 of the BIGGEST secrets to trimming down your whole body and especially that pesty mid-section.

1) Eat breakfast like a King/Queen. Lunch like a Prince/Princess. And dinner like a pauper (with 2 snacks in between).

Always eat the bulk of your food intake by 3:30 pm and you will feel energized and regal :)

2) NEVER eat within 3 hours before bedtime.

I know many folks who have lost weight simply but cutting out that evening snacking- a killer!

3) Always eat 20-35 grams of lean protein each meal- (that's right, 5 times per day)

Depending on your level of activity you can play with the amount but NEVER below 15 grams. Visit "Michi's Ladder" top 3 tiers for lean protein ideas.

These are 3 simple and POWERFUL solutions to getting a lean, trim body fast!
Here is our Renegade secret~ Jake and I do not do ab routines everyday, or even every week but we are SOOO adamant about what how we fuel our bodies we are able to keep healthy, trim bellies :)

Here's to your AWESOME abs, go get em!


  1. I am hoping you might have some answers for me. I had baby #4 a year ago and still have a 3 finger space just above my belly button. I have gotton mixed messages on ab work I should do and in not wanting to do more damage I have done little. I so desperatly want MY stomach back, do you have any exercise suggestions? thanks jen

  2. Hi Jen :) Oh how fun, I love babies and I LOVE big families! I also know what that finger space in the belly feels like~ I woudl love to help you find a program that will work for you and your lifestyle and get you the results you want.

    With that said, it is not uncommon for a mommas abdominal muscles to never fully close... does that mean you still can't have a rockin tummy with a smiley 6-pack? YES YOU CAN!!!!

    Shoot me an email and and we'll figure it out together! Looking so very forward to connecting more Jen!
