Thursday, September 2, 2010

Muck Your Coop!

Every good farmer knows that in order for happy hens to lay little morsels of golden creations, she/he simply must muck the coop.

Yea, its a nasty job. BUT.... if you want to scramble up a healthy helping of farm fresh eggs, you've gotta just do it.

So, not all of us are blessed (some would think crazy) enough to let these little critters take over our yards. But we can all gleam a morsel of wisdom from these seemingly mindless creatures;

In order to produce wonderful creations in our lives, we must muck out the old and take in the new!

What are you doing to muck your coop? Are your old eating habits keeping you from the yolk of your life?

Muck it! That's right, throw it right out! Waltz right into that kitchen like the Queen/King you are and take back your life (sounds dramatic... that's because it IS)

You're that awesome that you deserve to living/eating clean today! Liberate your mind from the daunting task of wrestling that possessed Twinkie box back into the cubbard- muck em!

Rip open your refrigerator and grab hold of that nasty processed junk that's taking up space AND that could be housing healthy, whole foods that will fuel your life for greatness!

Wrap all that stuff up and toss it in the trash for good! Don't muck up your mind with unnecessary struggle. Set yourself up for success by filling your cabinets and fridge with whole and healthy foods...

What foods you ask? Well, it just so happens that I took a snapshot of my cubbards and look what lives in mine.....

Oh yea! Shakeology (sitting pretty next to my favorite almond butter. They happily co-exist in both cubbard and blended shakes ;)

Wanna know how you can fill your CLEAN cubbards with these nutrient dense super-food shakes??? Go to

Here's to a day of mucking the old and shakin' up the new together, Cheers!

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